IFLR Women in Business Law Forum: Building the Talent Pipeline
Since 2014 Women in Law International has connected with women in business and in other professions in order to network on, debate and propose solutions to women's balanced leadership.
The IFLR conference, which was free to in-house counsel was inspirational in brining Europe’s leading women lawyers to discuss and present effective strategies for career development. This included sessions on the importance of leadership; the role of mentoring, sponsorship and coaching; and practical guidance on how to build effective networks. Such topics remain important especially in the light of COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on leadership.
Since 2014 Women in Law International has connected with women in business and in other professions in order to network on, debate and propose solutions to women's balanced leadership.
The IFLR conference, which was free to in-house counsel was inspirational in brining Europe’s leading women lawyers to discuss and present effective strategies for career development. This included sessions on the importance of leadership; the role of mentoring, sponsorship and coaching; and practical guidance on how to build effective networks. Such topics remain important especially in the light of COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on leadership.
Other events such as "Relaxation, Rejuvenation & Restoration Retreats" and "The Integrative Lawyer: Practicing Law with Integrity, Purpose, and Joy" resonate with the need to ensure health and happiness for the legal profession as a whole and to allow female lawyers to implement their values in their professional life.
For those interested in events to enhance your health, happiness and balance please feel free to contact us.