Opportunities for pro bono work, charitable contributions, awareness raising activities...
Throughout her professional life, the Founder has carried out pro bono work and assisted women, children and the vulnerable. She has become increasingly concerned with the link between traditional positive values and modern living and has edited various Sanskrit and Vedic origin texts in the area of health, yoga, the environment and lifestyle: see Adhyatmik Foundation for ebooks and printed publications. Since the pandemic, Dr. Spedding has focused on the well-being of children and families in particular through the creative initiative www.eeniemeeniebeeniebo.org/.
Wherever possible, awareness raising activities are carried out and support is given by Women in Law International to highlight the work of the Foundation and to offer practical support to project activities, including ongoing humanitarian relief. Women in Law International is also developing alliances and appropriate activities including Retreats through the Women in Law Foundation. Please Contact Us to find out how to help.
Himalayan Region of India - Save Ganga Save Himalaya Project
We are contributing to the relief and rehabilitation efforts required in every way practical since the Uttarakhand disaster in June 2013. We are closely connected with this region and are also in contact with a view to assist with training the local people to deal with the stress caused by such disasters and to learn to live with nature in a more sustainable manner. Dr. Spedding regularly travels to India to assist with post-disaster relief by interacting directly with local leaders to deal with this crisis and avoid future tragedies. This and other “natural” disasters are exacerbated by environmental assaults such as deforestation, thus their impact can be minimized by respecting and coexisting with nature.
We are contributing to the relief and rehabilitation efforts required in every way practical since the Uttarakhand disaster in June 2013. We are closely connected with this region and are also in contact with a view to assist with training the local people to deal with the stress caused by such disasters and to learn to live with nature in a more sustainable manner. Dr. Spedding regularly travels to India to assist with post-disaster relief by interacting directly with local leaders to deal with this crisis and avoid future tragedies. This and other “natural” disasters are exacerbated by environmental assaults such as deforestation, thus their impact can be minimized by respecting and coexisting with nature.
More on Save Ganga Save Himalaya...
The mission of the Save Ganga Save Himalaya initiative is to protect the unique Environmental and Spiritual Tradition of the Ganga & Himalaya. The Ganga River and Himalaya Mountains are two of the most spiritually revered manifestations on Earth.
The intention is to achieve an initiative to inspire others to take dharmic action that is in alignment with the essence of life, the Vedic Sanatan Dharma and the rhythmic flows of nature. This initiative celebrates India's Vedic traditional spiritual, environmental and ecological understanding. We invite all to join us in taking up the call to protect this sacred region and to restore the Ganga and Himalaya to their pristine purity. |